Venues list
  • Displaying Knowledge
    Universität Basel – Seminar für Medienwissenschaft
    27 Sept 2024

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  • Fotoflohmarkt
    22 Sept 2024

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  • Visite d’atelier avec Bernard Tullen
    Centre de la photographie Genève
    24 Sept 2024

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  • Eröffnung von Ruth Erdt: K12 Schwamendingen
    Kunsthalle Zürich
    27 Sept 2024

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  • Bilder machen Leute: Promis vor der Linse
    Stadtmuseum Aarau
    20 Sept 2024–27 Apr 2025

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  • Mémoire
    07 Sept – 14 Sept 2024

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  • Tonatiuh Ambrosetti: Ti ho regalato un raggio di luce
    Museo d’arte Mendrisio / Casa Pessina
    15 Sept – 10 Nov 2024

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  • Thi My Lien Nguyen: Shaping Fluidity
    Kunstmuseum St. Gallen
    07 Sept 2024

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  • In Conversation: A Photographic Dialogue Between Japan and Korea
    Christophe Guye Galerie
    29 Aug – 28 Sept 2024

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  • Soirée Photobook, Marwan Bassiouni: New Swiss Views
    Focale Galerie-Librairie
    05 Sept 2024

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  • Art Vontobel Collection Tour III
    Art Vontobel
    04 Oct 2024

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  • Scenescape: Guided Tour
    Fondazione Rolla
    29 Sept 2024

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  • The Anonymous Project
    Photo Elysée
    06 Sept 2024–23 Feb 2025

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  • Zero Baseline of Photography
    Seethink Lab
    02 Oct 2024

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  • Yvan Alvarez & Dylan Hausthor: Upon Onda
    13 Sept – 06 Oct 2024

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  • Visite guidée publique: Swiss Press Photo 2024
    Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek
    03 Oct 2024

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  • New York – der entfesselte William Klein
    12 Sept – 03 Nov 2024

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  • Experiencing the Planthroposcene
    Photoforum Pasquart
    19 Sept 2024

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  • Studio Visit
    Janis Polar
    03 Sept 2024

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  • Public Portfolio Review
    Schule für Gestaltung St. Gallen – HF Fotografie
    28 Sept 2024

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  • Małgorzata Stankiewicz
    Fondation Louis Moret
    29 Sept – 03 Nov 2024

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  • Quand les images prennent soin
    Centre de la photographie Genève
    21 Aug – 27 Oct 2024

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  • Tour and Artist Talk with Marwan Bassiouni
    akku Kunstplattform
    31 Aug 2024

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  • Tat-Ort
    BelleVue – Ort für Fotografie
    07 Sept – 29 Sept 2024

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  • «Lieux de mémoire» im Museum Thalwil
    Florian Bachmann
    04 Jul – 19 Oct 2024

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  • Laura Henno: Parc naturel régional du Doubs Horloger
    21 Sept – 27 Oct 2024

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  • la scia del monte or the magnetic utopians
    Musée des Beaux-Arts du Locle (MBAL)
    23 Mar – 15 Sept 2024

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  • Grand Tour
    Centre d’iconographie de la Bibliothèque de Genève
    30 Sept 2024–25 Jan 2025

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  • Les histoires écologiques de la photographie
    03 Oct 2024

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  • L’Étiquette Bleue
    Archivio Audiovisivo di Capriasca e Val Colla
    25 May – 24 Oct 2024

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  • Art Vontobel Collection Tour II
    Art Vontobel
    17 Sept 2024

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  • Tour of «A New Gaze 4», II
    Art Vontobel
    11 Sept 2024

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  • Art Vontobel Collection Tour I
    Art Vontobel
    03 Sept 2024

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  • Tour of «A New Gaze 4», I
    Art Vontobel
    02 Sept 2024

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  • We Do The Rest
    ECAL/Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne
    03 Oct 2024

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  • A New Gaze 4
    Art Vontobel
    23 May – 20 Sept 2024

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  • Dominic Nahr: Fotograf des Jahres
    Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek
    19 Sept 2024

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  • Swiss Press Photo 24
    Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek
    17 Jul – 11 Oct 2024

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  • pool collective x Photoforum Pasquart
    pool collective
    12 Sept 2024

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  • photo basel x Ackermann’s Collection
    photo basel
    11 Sept 2024

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  • new near. website launch party!
    near. swiss association for contemporary photography
    26 Sept 2024

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  • Audrey Cavélius: Visages
    Associazione Biennale dell’immagine
    31 Aug 2024

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  • Publications
    HEAD – Genève
    12 Sept – 30 Sept 2024

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  • Bachelor Arts Visuels
    HEAD – Genève
    19 Sept – 21 Sept 2024

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  • Xavier Voirol: Organique(s)
    Centre Culturel Régional de Delémont
    07 Sept – 06 Oct 2024

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  • Enquête photographique fribourgeoise 2024: Rencontre avec Laurence Kubski
    Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg (BCU)
    12 Sept 2024

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  • Marcello Ruvidotti: Concrete Memories
    27 Mar – 27 Sept 2024

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  • The Wrath of Dispossession: Documentation of a life under siege 2012-2022
    blackprint gallery
    12 Sept – 12 Oct 2024

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  • Schauarchiv des Ringier Bildarchiv
    Stadtmuseum Aarau
    08 Sept 2024

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  • Artist Talk mit Sandro Livio Straube
    Galerie 94
    21 Sept 2024

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  • Einblicke ins Fotodepot des Schweizerischen Nationalmuseums
    Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum
    21 Sept 2024

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  • Daido Moriyama: A Retrospective
    Photo Elysée
    06 Sept 2024–12 Jan 2025

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  • Olga Cafiero: (in)animalis
    Photo Elysée
    22 Jun – 29 Sept 2024

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  • Sabine Weiss × Nathalie Boutté: Hommage
    Photo Elysée
    22 Jun 2024–12 Jan 2025

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  • Tamara Janes: Set and setting
    Photo Elysée
    22 Jun – 29 Sept 2024

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  • L‘Objectif Flâneur: Fotografinnen und Fotografen aus dem Pressearchiv «Heim und Leben»
    Museum im Bellpark
    24 Aug – 08 Dec 2024

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  • How like a leaf I am
    Photoforum Pasquart
    15 Sept – 14 Nov 2024

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  • Besuch im Atelier von Rownak Bose II
    Galerie & Edition Stephan Witschi
    28 Sept 2024

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  • Ausgebucht: Besuch im Atelier von Rownak Bose I
    Galerie & Edition Stephan Witschi
    31 Aug 2024

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  • Atelier Visite +
    Atelier Reding
    20 Sept 2024

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  • Sandro Livio Straube: diffus
    Galerie 94
    30 Aug – 12 Oct 2024

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  • Führung mit Marco Bischof
    31 Aug 2024

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  • Werner Bischof: Colors & Black & White
    31 Aug – 02 Nov 2024

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  • René Burri: Vintages and Early Prints
    31 Aug – 02 Nov 2024

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  • Negotiating the Visible: Photography in Senegal and Beyond
    Museum Rietberg
    26 Sept 2024

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  • From the individual experience to the collective narrative
    Centre de la photographie Genève
    15 Sept 2024

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  • Alberto Flammer: la poetica della luce
    22 Sept – 10 Nov 2024

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  • Coffee & croissants at Centre de la photographie Genève
    Centre de la photographie Genève
    09 Sept 2024

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  • Round table: Art & Olfaction
    Centre de la photographie Genève
    04 Oct 2024

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  • Table ronde: Représentation des violences domestiques
    Centre de la photographie Genève
    11 Sept 2024

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  • Spots
    Centre de la photographie Genève
    01 Oct – 30 Oct 2024

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  • Luis Carlos Tovar: Palonegro
    Centre de la photographie Genève
    04 Sept – 08 Dec 2024

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  • Quand les images prennent soin
    Centre de la photographie Genève
    27 Aug – 15 Sept 2024

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  • Tanzperformance «ECHO» von Naomi Kamihigashi & Thomas Walschot
    Fotostiftung Schweiz
    21 Sept 2024

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  • Bild und Raum. Voïtas Kunst der Verführung
    Fotostiftung Schweiz
    01 Sept 2024

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  • Luigi Ghirri: Viaggi
    MASI Lugano
    08 Sept 2024–26 Jan 2025

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  • «geliebt, gelobt, gehypt» – Held:innen im Bild
    Stadtmuseum Aarau
    22 Sept 2024

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  • «geliebt, gelobt, gehypt» ­– Eine Ausstellung über Held:innen, Vorbilder und Idole
    Stadtmuseum Aarau
    27 Apr 2024–27 Apr 2025

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  • Henry Leutwyler: Philippe Halsman, a Photographer’s Life
    Musée suisse de l’appareil photographique
    07 Sept 2024–19 Jan 2025

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  • Gian Marco Sanna: Paradise
    07 Sept – 04 Oct 2024

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  • Caroline Minjolle: Monozygotes
    10 Jul – 27 Sept 2024

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  • Elsa Beaumont: Maison de Dieu
    Focale Galerie-Librairie
    30 Aug – 10 Nov 2024

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  • POSITION extended CA x NICElabs
    Hochschule Luzern / Design Film Kunst
    26 Sept 2024

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  • F + F @ Coalmine: Reading Earth
    Coalmine – Raum für Fotografie
    06 Sept – 01 Dec 2024

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  • Yann Gross: Greetings
    31 Aug – 18 Oct 2024

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  • Plat(t)form 2024
    Fotomuseum Winterthur
    06 Sept – 08 Sept 2024

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  • Photoville4600
    Haus der Fotografie
    23 Aug – 29 Sept 2024

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  • Scenescape
    Fondazione Rolla
    08 Jun – 24 Nov 2024

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  • Führung durch die Nicola Erni Collection
    Nicola Erni Collection
    17 Sept 2024

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  • Expect the Unexpected: Bildarchiv der ETH-Bibliothek
    Bildarchiv der ETH-Bibliothek
    04 Sept 2024

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  • Biennale Images Vevey 2024
    Biennale Images Vevey
    07 Sept – 29 Sept 2024

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  • Verzasca Foto Festival: Crossed Roads
    Verzasca Foto Festival
    30 Aug 2022–06 Oct 2024

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  • Paare / Couples
    Fotostiftung Schweiz
    01 Jun – 06 Oct 2024

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  • Bernard Voïta: Melencolia
    Fotostiftung Schweiz
    01 Jun – 06 Oct 2024

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  • Daniela Droz
    Fotostiftung Schweiz
    20 Sept 2024–30 Jun 2025

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This autumn, the Swiss art scene will live to the rhythm of the Swiss Photomonth. The first edition of this Festival (30 August – 6 October 2024) will serve as a catalyst for the country’s abundant cultural offerings, and provide the public the chance to explore no fewer than sixty artistic spaces, ranging from world-renowned institutions to emerging venues. It is a unique opportunity to (re)discover the leading figures in photography, as well as the Swiss and international talents of tomorrow.


Switzerland has one of the richest and most dynamic photography scenes in the world, with a dense network of festivals, museums, galleries, art and photography schools, libraries, archives, public and private collections, and artists’ studios. The Swiss Photomonth offers a cartography of these venues and, during six weeks, a chance to discover around fifty artistic spaces, some of which are not usually accessible to the public. These addresses can be explored – often free of charge – through a range of activities: exhibitions in museums, galleries and festivals, visits and talks in artists’ studios, workshops, performances and behind-the-scenes tours, to name but a few. The festival, unprecedented in terms of its national scope, is the result of a concerted effort to increase the visibility and attendance of photography venues and events in Switzerland, from Geneva to St. Gallen, and from Basel to Ticino.


The Swiss Photomonth is supported by Pro Helvetia.
Its visual identity is developed by the Swiss design studio Unstated.
Media partner Le Temps.

For questions or inquiries, please reach out to Rahel Christen at

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Inspired by the convergence of many compelling and diverse photography events taking place in autumn across Switzerland, the Swiss Photomonth is a joining of forces by the photography actors in Switzerland, aiming to increase the visibility and attendance of all the photography venues and events across the country, while encouraging other cultural players to propose new events on this occasion.

You can download the press release of the Swiss Photomonth here.

The Swiss Photomonth is an initiative by the association Spectrum – Photography in Switzerland and is organised by its board members: Danaé Panchaud (president), Ann-Christin Bertrand, Estelle Blaschke, Teresa Gruber, Milo Keller, Nadine Reding, Manuel Sigrist, Alfio Tommasini, and Nadine Wietlisbach.
Coordinator of the Swiss Photomonth is Rahel Christen.
The first edition of the Swiss Photomonth is supported by Pro Helvetia.

The Swiss Photomonth takes place from 30 August to 6 October 2024 in about 50 different locations across Switzerland. You can find them listed in the programme.

Any type of event related to photography can be part of the Swiss Photomonth: exhibitions and festivals, performances, lectures and panels, book launches, archive & collection tours, studio visits, workshops, and so on.

Events can be part of the regular programming of art venues, or organised specifically for the Swiss Photomonth. They must be open to the public (for free or for an admission fee) and take place between 30 August and 6 October 2024 (included). It is not necessary that an exhibition (or festival) takes place for the entire duration of the Swiss Photomonth to be part of it.

To ensure a successful first edition of the Swiss Photomonth, a financial contribution towards the communication costs is requested from each participant (member or non-member of Spectrum alike). It will provide good communication value for the contributed amount.

The contributions are determined in relation to the financial resources of the organisations. There are four contribution tiers, ranging from 300 CHF for small institutions or single events to 1800 CHF for the largest institutions.
To receive more information regarding the communication contributions, reach out to

There is no joint ticket or pass for the Swiss Photomonth as participants determine the prices for their own events. Tickets can be bought through the corresponding venues and institutions.

You can download our logo here.

You can dowload the press kit including images here.